Debunking Common Myths Behind Infertility
Infertility is a deeply personal and often misunderstood journey that affects millions of people worldwide. In Singapore, about 15 percent[1] of couples are affected.
Despite significant advancements in medical science, numerous myths and misconceptions still cloud the public’s understanding of this complex issue. These myths not only contribute to stigma but also lead to misinformation, making it harder for individuals and couples to seek the right support and treatment.
Whether you are directly affected by infertility or seeking to support loved ones, understanding the realities behind these myths is a vital step towards empathy and accurate knowledge.
“It’s the pill”
A lot of women are concerned about the use of birth control pills because they feel that it reduces their probability of conceiving, but this is not true. Hormones from the pills stay in the body for a short amount of time. Once a woman stops taking the pill, their body will return to its normal cycle.
On the contrary, they should look at their age. It is not uncommon for the modern woman to be on the pill for years, or decades even; putting off marriage and conceiving until they have built a career or met their ideal partner. Age plays a big part when it comes to conceiving. As a woman grows older, her fertility declines. Rather than attributing their infertility to the pill, they should relook into their overall fertility health.
“Having regular periods means I’m fertile”
Another common myth, most women think that as long as they have their periods regularly, it means that they are fertile because they are probably ovulating. But that is not completely true. One’s fertility can be affected by a myriad of factors. If you have been trying for at least six months to a year – without results, seek help and speak to a gynaecologist as soon as possible.
“Keeping the sperms in longer means a higher chance at pregnancy”
While infertility is commonly associated with women, men play a big part as well. Poor quality sperm or low sperm count can contribute to infertility. Keeping the sperm in longer may mean a higher volume since it accumulates, but it does not necessarily mean that they are of good quality. It is advisable for men who are looking to start a family with their partner to eject their sperm every three to four days to get fresh and strong swimmers.
“Sitting down for too long does not affect sperm quality”
Many studies have shown that sitting for long periods can lead to low sperm quality. This is due to temperature build-up in the scrotum. Prolonged high temperatures can harm sperm production and function.
Ready to begin your fertility journey? Learn how our fertility specialists can assist you. Call us at +65 6460 4555 or click here to book an appointment.
Last reviewed by Dr. CT Yeong in June 2024
[1] https://www.who.int/news/item/04-04-2023-1-in-6-people-globally-affected-by-infertility