About us
Virtus Fertility Centre, as part of Virtus Health, have a proven record in worldwide of affording the best in fertility care.

About Virtus Fertility Centre
Virtus Fertility Centre Singapore provides expert, compassionate care for couples experiencing difficulty falling pregnant.

Learn more about the latest developments in fertility and IVF in our Fertile Minds blog.

Female Fertility Assessment
By answering 7 simple questions, this tool is designed to give you an indication of whether there are any factors that might be affecting your chance of falling pregnant.

Fertility seminars
Virtus Fertility Centre holds free information evenings for individuals and couples interested in learning more about IVF and other fertility treatments.

Latest News
Find out the latest developments in fertility and IVF, in Singapore and worldwide, with Virtus Fertility Centre's latest news section.

International Patients
At Virtus Fertility Centre in Singapore, our Fertility Specialists can work with your local doctor to provide experienced care, diagnosis and treatment at every stage.