Our laboratories
Success is in the laboratories. See what new technology we're using in ours to help increase success rates.
At Virtus Fertility Centre, our goal is to provide the framework for a standard Virtus laboratory methodology to the highest international standard in embryology across every embryology lab. This framework enables us to benchmark and improve upon these results for our patients, ultimately contributing to our success rates.
Did you know that the fertility laboratory is just as important to the success as your fertility specialist and tailored treatment plan?
With the introduction of our Virtus AI programme, EmbryoScope+ and the Electronic ID tracking in our laboratory, we are better positioned than ever before to deliver even greater results across all our clinics.
Innovative time-lapse technology used to carefully monitor and analyse the development of embryos.
Electronic ID tracking
Electronic ID system which allocates the patients identity to every sample and digitally tracks every vessel improving traceability.
Blastocyst transfer
A blastocyst has a higher potential to implant than cleavage-stage embryos (2 to 3 days after fertilization). At Virtus Fertility Centre Singapore, your embryos are grown to the blastocyst stage.