Before Baby - Week 1
Welcome to Week 1 of the 4-week Before Baby Pre-pregnancy Guide!
By signing up to the “Before Baby” pre-pregnancy guide, you have made the first step in getting yourself into the best space mentally and physically, empowering you to conquer your fertility.
Fertility 101 - what you need to know
It’s the most ‘natural thing in the world’, but that doesn’t mean getting pregnant is always easy. Here, we bust some of the biggest myths and misconceptions about fertility.
At a glance: Did you know that to give you the best chance of success, you should have unprotected sex before you ovulate?
Your 'Before Baby' Checklist
If you’re about to move from contraception to conception, there are a few key steps you can take to ensure your lifestyle and health is prepped and ready to welcome a baby.
At a glance: Some simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference in boosting your fertility. We run through the top 5 lifestyle changes to consider, plus reveal what a pre-conception health check involves.

Chewing the fat for fertility: Sausage Rolls
This week, Dietician Wendy Fedele discusses the type of fats you should choose and why. Plus, who doesn't love sausage rolls? Try out her version, filled with the right kinds of fat to support pre-conception.

Pre-pregnancy Yoga
Thank you to our partners, BeNatural, for providing 4 yoga video classes on demand, just for you. Access Week 1's class below, and kick-start your fertility fitness goals.

Sex & Relationships
How to keep sex enjoyable when trying to conceive
Sometimes trying to conceive can take away the joy of the spontaneity that makes sex exciting. Here's some Dr approved tips and tricks to keep sex enjoyable as you embark on this new journey together.
Need a fertility friend?
During this programme you can head to our private Facebook group and chat with others who are trying to conceive. Hearing the experiences of other people on a similar fertility journey can be an invaluable source of support and encouragement.
Before Baby Spotify Playlist
Each week we'll bring you a new 'Before Baby' Spotify playlist with music chosen to match your fertility goals. This week - Motivational Mood. You got this!