Before Baby - Week 2
Welcome to Week 2 of the 4-week Before Baby Pre-pregnancy Guide!
Before Baby is brought to you by the fertility experts at Virtus Fertility Centre, so that you can start your journey with all the right knowledge to conqueor your fertility goals. Kick off Week 2 of the program below!
Your fertility check-up
If you’ve been trying to conceive for some time, you might be worried something is not quite right. But when should you seek help from a specialist? And what tests might they arrange to assess you or your partner’s fertility? We’ve got the answers.
Plus, take our 5-minute online fertility assessment to find out exactly where you stand.
What is infertility?
How do you know if infertility is an issue for you, and what should you do if you suspect it is? If you’re thinking about parenthood, let us answer some of your pressing questions.

Go Nuts for your fertility
This week, Dietician Wendy Fedele shares all the nutty benefits as well as a delicious recipe for your new go-to healthy snack, fertility-friendly power bars.

Pre-pregnancy Yoga
Through yoga, we develop, circulate, and balance the energy in the body. Start Week 2's workout below.

Sex & Relationships
How to keep sex enjoyable when trying to conceive
Sometimes trying to conceive can take away the joy of the spontaneity that makes sex exciting. Here's some Dr approved tips and tricks to keep sex enjoyable as you embark on this new journey together.
Need a fertility friend?
During this programme you can head to our private Facebook group and chat with others who are trying to conceive. Hearing the experiences of other people on a similar fertility journey can be an invaluable source of support and encouragement.
Before Baby Spotify Playlist
Each week we'll bring you a new 'Before Baby' Spotify playlist with music chosen to match your fertility goals. This week, some tunes to get your body moving - Sweat it out!
In case you missed it last week: Week 1 of Before Baby >>>>